Refund Policy

Enpark engineering services pvt Ltd is a design engineering services company, further called as “Enpark”.

Enparks engineering design services like design engineering/engineering Analysis/ Shop or construction drawing/3D Model & rendering/ special software based services/ Engineering consultation/ etc will be called as ‘Projects’

Contractors/Architects/manufacturers/consultants/freelancers and other individuals or registered Companies in a contract with Enpark to execute a project will be called further as ‘Clients’

Enpark never take 100% upfront payment . Only 10-30% advance depending on the size and complexity of the project.

Enpark will charge its clients only once the project has been delivered and the output of the delivery is approved from the client and if it is as expected as per the Engineering Standards, Design rules & regulations of  authorized body of project location / Clients expectations or Needs.

complete Invoice will be raised only after approval from the client on the delivery of the project.

other terms and conditions for refund policy:

1. Once the files are delivered client is liable to approve/give feedback on the output file in 15 days. if not approved from the client before 15 days then enpark will not be liable to rework on the design/project and enpark will charge the client 100% as per the purchase order. no rework or refund of advances after 15 days of project delivery.

Only where the client and Enpark are in a long term contract for a project which will take more than 6 months to complete, and if the delivery milestones and other terms of design stages and changes are discussed in the contract & signed by the client and Enpark  then the above 15 days criteria  (1.) will be  discarded.

enpark will charge the client on monthly basis for the delivery which is approved by the client.

2. engineering designs if changed from the client side and no prior notice or information for the same is provided by the client 15 days before delivery of the output file then enpark will charge extra for updating the required design output and ” NO REFUND” will be provided for the Orignal design.

enpark will charge the client on per hrs basis for time spend on the orignal design and will share the progress output if asked from the client.

if advance is more than the progress output then the remaining amount will be considered and rolled over to (a) update the design or it can be rolled over for (b) next project. in any case NO- REFUND will be provides.

3. if client signs a contract / gives out Purchase order to start  the project and for any reasons the project is cancelled then NO-REFUND of advance will be provided. enpark will charge the client for the progress work based on per hour basis.


for any other info on refund policy, feel free to reach out to us on info@enparkengg.com.



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